Those who preach the prosperity gospel and teach a pre-tribulation rapture fancy a form of Christianity that is comfy, cozy, easy, and safe, which makes one wonder if they have ever read about the Christ they proclaim, the perils of His chosen people, and the episodes of His closest followers.   


There is no “greatest of all time” (GOAT), only the greatest in his/her time (GIHT) as every era includes specific intricacies and elements that can never be replicated elsewhere.   


Is there any leader, anywhere out there, who publicly goes to GOD for help? Someone, anyone in leadership, within a nation, province, state, county, city, township, village, business, institution, organization, church, or family who humbly and earnestly seeks the LORD and asks for His will and His wisdom to guide and direct the decisions and actions to be made?

6-9 When the message reached the king of Nineveh, he got up off his throne, threw down his royal robes, dressed in burlap, and sat down in the dirt. Then he issued a public proclamation throughout Nineveh, authorized by him and his leaders: “Not one drop of water, not one bite of food for man, woman, or animal, including your herds and flocks! Dress them all, both people and animals, in burlap, and send up a cry for help to God. Everyone must turn around, turn back from an evil life and the violent ways that stain their hands. Who knows? Maybe God will turn around and change his mind about us, quit being angry with us and let us live!” 10 God saw what they had done, that they had turned away from their evil lives. He did change his mind about them. What he said he would do to them he didn’t do.  Jonah 3:6-10 (MSG)


LORD GOD, expose, intrude upon, interfere with, and eradicate every evil everywhere by everyone.


A confident, courageous, contented life does not come from being a customer and consumer, but in discovering and putting to use one’s abilities, talents, and giftings as a creator and contributor.